Embedded Networking with CAN and CANopen

Embedded Networking with CAN and CANopen

By Olaf Pfeiffer, Andrew Ayre and Christian Keydel
Tutors at Embedded Systems Academy
554 pages, originally published by RTC Books
Revised first edition published by Embedded Systems Academy Inc.


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About The Book

Being three authors, we divided Embedded Networking with CAN and CANopen into three parts:

Part 1: Using CANopen, by Olaf Pfeiffer

This part focuses on CANopen up to the system integrator level. Any technician or engineer who needs to be able to configure and/or maintain a CANopen network will find the required knowledge to do so in this part. The last chapter in this part contains a step-by-step example of a network configuration and test cycle.
  • Understanding Embedded Networking Requirements
  • The CANopen Standard
  • CANopen Beyond DS301
  • CANopen Configuration Example

Part 2: CANopen Engineering, by Christian Keydel

This is the part for engineers who need to have a detailed knowledge of how CAN and CANopen work, especially for those developing their own CANopen devices. It describes and compares various implementation methods in detail.
  • Underlying Technology: CAN
  • Implementing CANopen

Part 3: CANopen Reference, by Andrew Ayre

A pure reference section for all CANopen users. Key elements of CANopen are summarized in a way that allows a quick look-up. The core of this part is an Object Dictionary reference listing all Object Dictionary entries specified by the CiA CANopen standards DS301 and DS302.
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Physical Layer
  • Data Types
  • The Object Dictionary
  • Minimal Object Dictionaries
  • Communication Object Identifiers (COB IDs)
  • Emergency Objects
  • SDO Abort Messages
  • Node States
  • CANopen Glossary (provided by CiA)

Errata (historic)

Files Mentioned in the Book

CANopen Example Code ("MicroCANopen")

The minimal CANopen protocol stack introduced in the book Embedded Networking with CAN and CANopen is no longer actively maintained. CANopen and MicroCANopen have greatly evolved over the last years. For reference, educational and strictly non-commercial purposes, the original version from 2003 can still be downloaded here.

We strongly recommend using the current source code MicroCANopen Plus  (listing at EU Shop) for all new implementations. This up to date CANopen source code is also available for CANopen FD and we are currently adding security functionality as required by the latest regulations like the EU cybersecurity and resilience acts.

If you want to simulate a CANopen Network, check out our CANopen Magic Ultimate which can simulate multiple CANopen devices at the same time.

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CANopen® is a registered trademark of CAN in Automation User's Group